I am an Associate Professor of Marketing at University of Southern California Marshall School of Business,
where I study problems related to digital markets. Some of the topics I work on include the sharing economy, online trust and reputation, and advertising. Prior to joining Marshall, I obtained my PhD in Computer Science at Boston University under the supervision of Sharon Goldberg , John Byers, and Georgios Zervas (from Questrom School of Business).
More information about me can be found in my CV.
I am also on Google Scholar and SSRN.
Using Traditional Text Analysis and Large Language Models in Service Failure and RecoverySSRN Francisco Villarroel Ordenes, Grant Packard, Jochen Hartmann, and Davide Proserpio
Journal of Service Research, 2025
Online Reviews: A Literature Review and Roadmap for Future ResearchSSRN Martina Pocchiari, Davide Proserpio, and Yaniv Dover
IJRM, 2024
Words Meet Photos: When and Why Visual Content Increases Review HelpfulnessSSRN Gizem Cylean, Kristin Diehl, and Davide Proserpio
Journal of Marketing Research 61 (1), 5-26
I Hear You: Does Quality Improve with Customer Voice?SSRN Uttara M Ananthakrishnan, Davide Proserpio, and Siddhartha Sharma
Marketing Science 42 (6), 1143-1161
Abstract in proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'20).
🏆 Exemplary Empirics Track Paper at EC'20.
Detecting Fake Review Buyers Using Network Structure: Direct Evidence from AmazonSSRN Sherry He, Brett Hollenbeck, Gijs Overgoor, Davide Proserpio, and Ali Tosyali
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, no. 47 (2022): e2211932119.
The Effect of Short-Term Rentals on Residential InvestmentSSRN Ron Bekkerman, Maxime Cohen, Edward Kung, John Maiden, and Davide Proserpio
Marketing Science, 2023, Vol.42(4), p.819–834
Abstract in proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'22).
🏆 Best Paper Nominee at CIST'21.
The Market for Fake ReviewsSSRN Sherry He, Brett Hollenbeck, and Davide Proserpio
Marketing Science, 2022,Vol. 41(5),p.896-921
Abstract in proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'21), Budapest, Hungary.
🏆 Exemplary Empirics Track Paper at EC'21.
🏆 Finalist John D. C. Little Award 2022.
We wrote a piece for Cummincation of the ACM about this paper
TThe impact of sustainability programs on consumer purchase behavior: Evidence from AmazonSSRN Davide Proserpio, Al goli, Tyler Mangini, Ken Lau, and Daniela Yu
Minor revision at IJRM
The Financial Consequences of Legalized Sports GamblingSSRN Brett Hollenbeck, Poet Larsen, and Davide Proserpio
Information Signals in Sponsored Search: Evidence from Google's BERTSSRN Poet Larsen and Davide Proserpio
Reject and resubmit at JMR
Algorithm failures and consumers response: Evidence from ZillowSSRN Isamar Troncoso, Runshan Fu, Nikhil Malik, and Davide Proserpio
R.I.P. Papers (papers I am not actively working on)
Product2Vec: Leveraging representation learning to model consumer product choice in large assortmentsSSRN Fanglin Chen, Xiao Liu, Davide Proserpio, and Isamar Troncoso
A shorter version of this paper titled Studying Product Competition Using Representation Learning appears in the proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR2020), Xian, China.
Estimating the impact of Airbnb on the local economy: Evidence from the restaurant industrySSRN Suman Basuroy, Yongseok Kim, and Davide Proserpio
A shorter version of this paper has been accepted at the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2021, Social Science and Sociophysics Track (without conference proceedings).
Baring the Sharing Economy: Concepts, Classification, Findings, and Future DirectionsSSRN Davide Proserpio and Gerard J. Tellis
Here is a list of students I am currently working or worked with:
Isamar Troncoso (dissertation committee co-chair). Placement: Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School
Fanglin Chen (dissertation committee member). Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Miami Herbert Business School
Yongseok Kim (dissertation committee member). Placement: Assistant Professor, University of San Diego
Gizem Celyan (dissertation committee member). Placement: Postdoc, Yale University
Shomik Jain (USC Viterbi School of Engineering undergrad). Shomik will spend a year at Palantir Technologies before joining a PhD program at MIT in Fall 2022
Siddhartha Sharma (dissertation committee member). Placement: Assistant Professor, Kelley School of Business (IU Bloomington)
BUAD 307 - Marketing Fundamentals / MKT 385 -- Marketing of Creative Disruption and Innovation (Fall 2018)
BUAD 307 - Marketing Fundamentals (Fall 2017)
BUAD 307 - Marketing Fundamentals (Fall 2016)
Contact information USC Marshall School of Business
Marketing Department
701 Exposition Blvd, HOH 332
Los Angeles, CA 90089.
Email: proserpi at marshall.usc.edu
Twitter: @dade_us Github: https://github.com/dadepro